DO NOT SIGN ANY KEYS THAT *YOU* DID NOT VERIFY. Download (yes, it's updated). Do "gpg --import phillylinux.gpg" You now have the public keys of everybody who's particpated in a keysigning Do "gpg --sign-key EmailAddress-or-KeyID" for each key that YOU VERIFIED last night. Like: "gpg --sign-key". RE-VERIFY THE INFORMATION - make sure that the name, email address, and fingerprint on your screen matches the information you initialed on that piece of paper at the meeting last night. Hit yes, rinse, repeat. When you're done, send me the all of keys you signed: Do "gpg --export 0E9FF879 5AA5BCDF 80675E65 69350CFC 67A7B584 33E3FE56 343BB2A7 7262954A C1A6C2DC 19BC76F8 0CF9091A > signed.gpg" (the above are KeyIds - the KeyID is the last 2 sections of a key fingerprint. You could have typed in the EmailAddress of each person whose key you wished to export - either is equivalent) Then send me the file "signed.gpg". I will then import your signatures onto the key in the PLUG keyring. You can/should also upload your signed key to the keyserver that the key usually resides on (if any). If, for example, you signed a key that is resident on the keyserver "", then do a "pgp --keyserver --send-key EmailAddress-or-KeyId-you-signed"