Free Books

These books are free to anyone who is willing to write a review of them. We'll post the reviews here.

If you want one, please email me, Jeff Abrahamson. If you're in the city, it's easy for us to coordinate book hand-off. If not, I can mail it to you (if you paypal me money to cover postage: there are lots of these books). If you'll be at a PLUG meeting and coordinate with me in advance, I can also arrange to have someone at the meeting have the book for you. Unfortunately, I haven't myself been at PLUG meetings lately, as I have had classes on Wednesday evenings for the past several months.

Available books

Why we have free books

The Addison-Wesley and Prentice Hall user group program gives us books in the hopes that we will provide publicity for them.

Writing reviews

AW/PH has a link about how to write reviews, but it doesn't work as of the time of writing this paragraph. In addition to posting your reviews to the PLUG list, they suggest you post them on amazon, B&N, slashdot, and techbookreport or any other online locations you like. Ultimately, do what you like. The more publicity we give them, the more likely we are to get more books from them.

Ultimately, though, please write honest reviews. Little is gained by falsely flattering AW/PH.

As an added incentive for yourself, consider linking to the book using an (amazon, B&N, whatever) affiliate link so that your review can earn you money. If you go over a dollar in revenue, it will be astounding, but I find the (so far theoretical) thought of feedback can be motivating.


Last modified: Tue Aug 3 09:39:11 EDT 2004